Art Meat Flesh

Art Meat Flesh

Oron Catts & Collaborators

A live cooking show

Art Meat Flesh was a series of live cooking shows held throughout Europe that pit teams of scientists and artists against one another in a head-to-head cooking competition.

ArtMeatFlesh V
12 May, 2016
Smock Alley Theatre, part of Field Test at Science Gallery
Dublin, Ireland

ArtMeatFlesh IV
10 May, 2014
Flavour Studio, Teurastamo (Abattoir) as part of Diner Ready organised by Biofilia Aalto University
Helsinki, Finland

Featured: Oron Catts | Catherine Kramer and Zack Denfeld | Laura Gustafsson | scientist Sirpa Kurppa | chefs Sami Tallberg and Jouni Kukkonen.

Links: Photos

ArtMeatFlesh III
Christmas edition,
Test_Lab, V2 Institute of Unstable Media
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Featured: Oron Catts | Zack Denfeld and Cathrine Kramer | scientists Dr Wendy Russell, and Abi Glencross | chefs Clare Anne O’Keefe and chef Molly Garvey.

Links: Video

ArtMeatFlesh II
Article 12, Biennale of Electronic and Unstable Art.
Stavanger, Norway

Featured: Oron Catts | Liv Torunn Mydland and Roger Strand | Zack Denfeld and Catherine Kramer | Chefs Atle Lura and Rune Larsen.

Links: i/o/lab Centre for Future Art | Photos

An Evening of SymbioticA, ArtMeatFlesh an Iron Chef cook-off,
Dutch Electronic Arts Festival
Rotterdam, Netherands

Featured: Oron Catts | Zack Denfeld and Cathrine Kramer | Bernard Roelen | Clemens Driessen | Maurice Petitjean | Eefje Timmer

Links: V2_Lab for Unstable Media | Genomic Gastronomy | Video

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