The Tissue, Culture & Art Project
For over twenty years the TC&A Project has developed artworks, curated exhibitions, written essays and created performances, throughout the world, that focus on the impact of tissue engineering on society. Their projects have dealt with lab-grown food, tissue cultured clothing and semi-living sculptures.
The TC&A Project’s artworks have been exhibited and collected by institutions such as Ars Electronica; GoMA; MoMA, NY; Mori Art Museum; National Art Museum of China; NGV; Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and more. Their work has been covered by the NY Times, Washington Post, Wired, New Scientist, Time, Newsweek and other TV, Radio, print and online media.
2018 — HyperPrometheus, PICA, as part of SymbioticA’s Unhallowed Arts (Oron Catts)
2018 — Fake, Science Gallery, Dublin (Oron Catts)
2015 — DeMonstrable, as part of SymbioticA’s HR (Oron Catts)
2013 — Semipermeable+, ISEA2013, Power House Museum, Sydney Australia (Oron Catts)
2011 — Translife (Curator/producer of the Australian section), National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2011 — Visceral; The Living Art Experiment, at Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr)
2007 — SymbioticA showcase, as part of Ars Electronica, OK Centre, Linz, Austria (Oron Catts)
2004 — BioDifference – Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, Lawrence Wilson Gallery, Perth, Australia (Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr)
2002 — Biofeel – Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, Lawrence Wilson Gallery, Perth, Australia (Oron Catts)
2000 — The Stone Age of Biology, Perth International Arts Festival 2000, Scitech Discovery Centre, Perth Australia (Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr)
1998 — The Tissue Culture & Art Project: Stage One, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth, Australia (Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr)
Retrospective Exhibitions
2012 — Crude Life, Laznia Centre of Contemporary Arts, Gdansk, Poland.
2012 — Crude Life, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland.
Art Projects
2018-2019 Biomess
- 2019 Design Triennial Cooper Hewitt, New York 2019
- Cube Museum, The Netherlands 2019
- Art Gallery of Western Australia, WA NOW. 2018
2014 – 2019 Better Dead than Dying
- “Mutations / Creations”, Pompidou, Paris 2019
- Ars Electronica at Knowledge Capital, Osaka, Japan, 2015
- At Hela, Forms of Human existence, Hyarokn 19 Tel Aviv 2014
2018 Crossing Kingdoms (Ionat Zurr, Oron Catts, Tarsh Bates, Jane Calvert, Susan Rosser, Alistair Elfick, Erika Szymanski)
- Edinburgh International Science Festival, 2018
2017 – 2019 Vessels of Care and Control
- Science Gallery London, 2019
- Know thy neighbour, IAS, Perth Australia 2018
- Kenpoku Arts Festival, Japan 2017
- The Golem, Shuffle Festival, London UK 2017
2016 Stir Fly, Nutrient Bag The Tissue Culture & Art Project with Robert Foster (Fink Design)
- Stir Fly, Science Gallery, Dublin Ireland, 2015.
2015 Futile Labor (Ionat Zurr, Chris Salter, Devon Ward & Oron Catts)
- John Curtin Gallery, HR Program 2015
2013 The Mechanism of Life – After Stephane Leduc (in Collaboration with Corrie VanSice) 2013
- Exo-Evolution, ZKM, Germany 2015
- SemiPermeable (+) at the Powerhouse Museum Sydney 2013
- Grow Your Own at the Science Gallery Dublin 2013
- My Brain Is in My Inkstand: Drawing as Thinking and Process at Cranbrook Art Museum 2013
2012 The Small Protein Translation Machine
- The Power of things, Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2012
2012 Crude Matter
- Soft Control, Maribor, Slovenia 2012
- Crude Life, Laznia Centre of Contemporary Arts, Gdansk, Poland. 2012
- Crude Life, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland. 2012
2009-2011 The Autotorph – a desalination kinetic sculpture. Exhibited at:
- Adaptation, INQB8, Mandurah, Western Australia, 2012
- Translife, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China 2011.
2011 NoArk Revisited; Odd Neolifism, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Translife, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2011. (Living)
2010 Odd Neolifism, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited and commissioned by: 21 Century; Art in the First Decade, Gallery of Modern Art,Brisbane, Australia , 2010-2011. (Living)
2008-2010 NoArk II ,The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- MetaMorf, Biennial for art and technology, Trondheim, Norway 2010. (Living)
- Biotech Art – Revisited at the Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, Australia. 2009 (Living)
- Corpus Extremus (Life +) at Exit Art Gallery, New York City. 2009 (Living)
- SuperHuman, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne. 2009 (Living)
- ‘Transevolution – Examining Bioart’ CEPA Gallery, Buffalo, USA. 2008 (Living)
2008 Victimless Leather X3 , The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Sk/interfaces, Casino Luxembourg, 2009. (Living)
- Technothreads, Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland 2008. (Living)
- Sk/interface, FACT, Liverpool, UK. 2008. (Living)
2007 NoArk, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Video at Evolution Haute Couture: Contemporary Art in the Post-Biological Age Exhibition, 3rd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Russia 2008 (Living)
- Video at Hybrid, Porto Portugal. 2008 (Living)
- BioTechnique, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA. 2007 (Living)
- ARCO2007, Madrid Spain as part of Vida. 2007 (Living)
- Still, Living, BEAP07, The Bakery Artrage Complex, Perth, Australia, 2007 (Living)
2007 The Slow Death of Worry Doll G part of The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Cyberart, Ars Electronica, OK Centre, Linz , Austria, 2007. (Living)
2006 Taratological Prototypes, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr) in collaboration with Bioteknica. Exhibited at:
- ZeroOne/ISEA06San Jose, USA, 2006. (Living)
2004 The Remains of Disembodied Cuisine, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- TC&A solo at Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, Hong Kong. 2008
- Strange Attractors: charm between Art and Science, Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China. 2006
- AV06 Festival, North East England, UK 2006
- Put on your Blue Genes, NGBK Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2005
- Today in Paradise Gutenberg New Media Arts Festival, Sweden 2005
- Spike University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, 2004
2004 Victimless Leather, –A Prototype of Stitch-less Jacket grown in a Technoscientific ‘Body’, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Medicine and Art, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan 2009 (Living)
- SkinDeep, The National Glass Museum, The Netherlands. 2008 (Living)
- Design and the Elastic Mind, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA. 2008 (Living)
- Relics at Our Cyborg Future? Tyne & Wear Museum UK , 2007 (Living)
- Free Radicals, Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel, 2007 (Living)
- Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada (Victimless Leather) 2006 (Living)
- Space Between John Curtin Gallery, Perth 2004 (Living)
2003 Extra Ear ¼ Scale, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr) in collaboration with Stelarc. Exhibited at:
- Art in the Biotech Era Adelaide International Arts Festival, Adelaide. 2004 (Living)
- The Clemenger Award Exhibition, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. 2004 (Living)
- Solo show at Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2003 (Living)
2001- 2003 Disembodied Cuisine, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr in collaboration with Guy Ben Ary). Exhibited at:
- L’art Biotech, la lieu unique, Nantes, France. 2003(Living)
2001- 2002 Pig Wings The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr in collaboration with Guy Ben Ary).Exhibited at:
- Art & Science, GV Art Gallery, London 2011
- Pig Wings at INSIDE [Art & Science], Lisbon, Portugal 2009
- TC&A solo at Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, Hong Kong. 2008
- Design and the Elastic Mind, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA. 2008
- Pig, Asia Australia Art Association, Sydney, 2007
- Strange Attractors: charm between Art and Science, Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China. 2006
- Organismos: esto es vida Central Plaza de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain,2005
- CyberArts Festival, DeCordova Museum Lincoln, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2003
- Biofeel Biannual of Electronic Arts Perth, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth 2002. (Living)
- ConVerge, Adelaide Biennale of Australian Arts, Art Gallery of South Australia 2002. (Living)
2000 Tissue Culture & Art(ificial) Womb AKA Semi-Living Worry Dolls, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr in collaboration with Guy Ben Ary). Exhibited at:
- Human + : The Future of Our Species, Dublin, Italy, Singapore 2016 – 2017
- ‘Synth-ethics’ Natural History Museum, Vienna. 2011 (Living)
- Visceral; The Living Art Experiment, at Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland 2011 (Living)
- TC&A solo at Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, Hong Kong. 2008
- Fuse, JamFactory, Adelaide, Australia, 2008
- ARCHIBALD ARTS Gallery, New York, USA2005
- L’art Biotech, la lieu unique, Nantes, France, 2003 (Living)
- Salina Art Center, Kansas, USA, 2002
- Biofeel Biannual of Electronic Arts Perth, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth 2002. (Living)
- Transhuman, Kenderdine Gallery, University of Saskacthewan, Canada 2001
- Next Sex, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria, 2000 (Living)
2001 Fish & Chips (as part of the SymbioticA research group). Exhibited at:
- Biofeel Biannual of Electronic Arts Perth, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth 2002.
- Takeover, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria 2001 (Living)
1999 TC&A stage one and two, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Digitized Bodies, Virtual Spectacles, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Center, Toronto Canada. 2000
- Art-ID/Cyb-ID: identities in cyberspace Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 1999
- TC&A at Metis, National Science Week, Canberra. 1999
1997-1998 Series of Prints 2, The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Art and Science Lawrence Wilson Gallery, University of Western Australia, Perth
1996-1998 TC&A Stage One The Tissue Culture & Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr). Exhibited at:
- Viruses and Mutations, Melbourne International Festival, Melbourne 1998
- Art and Science, The Australian & New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, Adelaide 1998
- Solo show, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth, 1998
2014 ArtMeatFlesh, Helsinki Finland (Curated by Ulla Taipale)
2013 ArtMeatFlash, Science Gallery Dublin.
2012 ArtMeatFlesh II, at Article 12, Biennale of Electronic and Unstable Art. Stavanger, Norway.
2012 An Evening of SymbioticA, ArtMeatFlesh an Iron Chef cook-off, Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
2006 The DIY De-victimizer Kit Mark One (DVK m1), Días de Bioarte’, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain
2005 LifeBoat, Touch Me Festival, Zagreb, Croatia
2004 LifeBoat ISEA, Finland
2003 Disembodied Cuisine, – L’art Biotech, la lieu unique, Nantes, France. 2003. (Living) durational performance and dinner.
2003 Killing of the Ear, The National Review of Live Art, Australia